Murder at the Arlington: Chapter 24 & 25

Kathleen Kaska
23 min readApr 5, 2024

Chapter 24

Huge maple trees that must have sprouted before the Civil War lined the streets of the Trivista neighborhood. Opulent mansions with neatly manicured lawns spoke of old money.

A maid answered the door to the Rochester home and usher me into a foyer bigger than my apartment. Artwork covered the walls and a grandfather clock older than our country chimed ten. She allowed me to gawk for a few minutes and then brought me to the conservatory where I waited for my hostess. The giant room was filled with so many varieties of plants, I felt like I was in a botanical garden. A tree-size schefflera filled one corner. Pots of leafy philodendrons lined the opposite wall. A series of glass shelves contained dozens of blooming orchids.

The maid brought in a tray with a silver coffee service and a plate of butter cookies. I hoped this wasn’t the breakfast Margaret had promised. My stomach let out a rumble that sounded like an airplane on takeoff.

“Help yourself, ma’am. Mrs. Rochester will be down in a moment. Breakfast will be served shortly.” She raised her eyebrows as if hearing my body noises was just too offensive. She left and I shoved two cookies in my mouth. I fixed myself a cup of coffee and wandered around the conservatory. I was gazing at a white orchid that looked so delicate I was afraid it…



Kathleen Kaska

Author of the Sydney Lockhart mysteries and the Kate Caraway mysteries. I blog about, “Growing Up Catholic in a Small Texas Town.”